Broad Locality, Narrow World - The Anti-revolutionary Criticism of Weimar Conservatives

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Márton Tőke


This paper wishes to present the intellectual diversity of refugees fleeing the Weimar Republic after the national socialists’ rise to power through the anti-revolutionary criticism of three authors: Hermann Rauschning, Leo Strauss, and Henry Kissinger. First, it postulates the figure of the Weimar emigree as a conceptual framework, trying to define its main characteristics. Afterwards, the study examines the views of the authors on nihilism and revolutionary behavior, their connections and differences, aiming at distinguishing between various conservative positions, while also mentioning their impact and global significance.

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How to Cite
Tőke, M. (2021). Broad Locality, Narrow World - The Anti-revolutionary Criticism of Weimar Conservatives. Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education, 1(1-2), 78–85.