Narratív és nem narratív filmes szerkezet megértésének összehasonlítása befogadói szövegekben

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Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky
Márta Volosin
Tímea Deák-Kovács
András Bálint Kovács


In our series of empirical research we focused on the (low and high level) mental processes during the reception of a narrative and a non-narrative film. In 2019, the conclusion of our experiment by EEG recordings and verbal association tests, was that narrative filmic structure requires more effort in topographic orientation and topographic attention, while non-narrative filmic structure requires more active mental processing in the episodic and the working memory and constant effort in understanding characters. Following these we assume that narrative and non-narrative films with live actors are based on very similar comprehension processes. We test this hypothesis in the present paper by showing an original and a re-edited version of the same film to 42 persons (20 male and 22 female, mean age 32.7  (SD=9.05)). Our results from validating the comprehensibility of the the versions of this film by the analyses of the online inferences, the Narrative Engagement Scale and the retrospective summaries of the plot raised further questions. The elements of comprehension of the coherent version contained significantly more references to place and time, to characters’emotions and aims, and to events without intentions, while viewers of the non-coherent film attempted to build up the plot using the categories of script and identifying characters.

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How to Cite
Papp-Zipernovszky, O., Volosin, M., Deák-Kovács, T., & Kovács, A. B. (2023). Narratív és nem narratív filmes szerkezet megértésének összehasonlítása befogadói szövegekben. NCOGNITO - Kognitív Kultúraelméleti Közlemények, 2(1), 40–58.

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