We do not learn for school but for life Or the relationship between psychological capital and entrepreneurial competence

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Andrea Hornyák
Szilvia Fodor


The concept of psychological capital has a central role in both positive psychology and economics, and can be defined as follows: “the state of positive psychological development of an individual, which builds on the following elements: self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience” (Nagy, 2017). Similarly, entrepreneurial competence is also associated with human capital, and is one of the eight key competences required for lifelong learning as defined by the European Union. Both factors are at play in the individual’s performance at school and work, satisfaction and in the pursuit of a happier life. Our research aims to present the role of psychological capital and entrepreneurial competence in the labour market and education, as well as the relationship between psychological capital, entrepreneurial competence and school performance.

The survey was conducted with the participation of 342 students from grammar school, economic high school or other high schools. A questionnaire was used in the survey, including multiple subparts: questions on performance, General Self-efficacy Scale, Life Orientation Test, Hope Scale, Brief Resilience Scale, Entrepreneurial competence questionnaire and test on financial knowledge. Our research found a significant positive correlation between psychological capital, entrepreneurial competence and school performance. Our cluster analysis revealed 3 separate groups with completely different psychological capital profiles. By using the SEM model, we managed to identify self-efficacy, flexibility and the combination of hope and motivation as the direct sources of entrepreneurial competence.

It can be concluded that individuals possessing a higher level of psychological capital have higher entrepreneurial competence and better school achievement. In our view, public education should – by embracing the approach of positive psychology – take a prominent role in teaching students how to recognise and enrich their personal competences, whereby their performance and well-being can also be improved.


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Hornyák, A., & Fodor, S. (2020). We do not learn for school but for life : Or the relationship between psychological capital and entrepreneurial competence . Iskolakultúra, 30(11), 70–94. Retrieved from https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/33985


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